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Fact check: PM Shehbaz did not say he would visit Imran Khan for an apology

Multiple users were sharing a screenshot on social media platform X on August 8 which allegedly showed a statement from Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif saying he would visit PTI founder Imran Khan for an apology. However, the prime minister said no such thing.
Tensions between the PTI and PML-N have been high since the latter spearheaded the no-confidence move that resulted in the former’s ouster from power in April 2022. The PTI accuses the PML-N of coming to power through rigging in the February 2024 general elections while the PML-N blames the PTI for the violent riots of May 9, 2023.
Rare appeals and overtures by the PML-N for talks and dialogue have been rebuffed by the PTI which demands the return of its allegedly stolen electoral mandate.
Last Thursday, a photo was shared by PTI supporter Falak Javaid Khan of a screenshot from a local news channel featuring a statement from PM Shehbaz’s address at a conference,
The statement attributed to the premier said: “If Imran Khan does not agree, we will go to apologise.”
She captioned the post: “Go, go, definitely go, but how will you go?
The post was viewed 14,000 times.
The alleged statement was also shared on X by PTI supporter Arslan Baloch with the caption: “Go ask for forgiveness, he has a big heart, maybe he will forgive,” referring to Imran.
The post gained over 42,000 views.
The image was also shared by self-described journalist Sabee Kazmi.
A fact check was initiated to determine the veracity of the claim due to its virality and keen public interest in the deadlock between the PTI and the PML-N, particularly its top leaders.
Analysing the screenshot showed that it was from a television broadcast by the media outlet Neo News.
PM Shehbaz had addressed a conference of religious scholars on August 8. Checking the official YouTube upload of the address by Neo News showed that the prime minister did not make any statement like the one in the shared screenshot or refer to Imran by name anywhere.

Furthermore, the time in the screenshot showed 1:05pm but the corresponding timestamp in the YouTube upload did not show any statement or text as in the screenshot.
Moreover, there was no mention of such a statement in news stories covering the event by major reputable media outlets, nor did either of the two parties address it.
Therefore, the fact check determined that the claim regarding a statement from PM Shehbaz about visiting Imran for an apology is false. No such statement was made by the premier in his Thursday address at a scholarly conference.
This fact check was originally published by iVerify Pakistan — a project of CEJ and UNDP.
